Superannuation Guarantee Charge – What You Need to Know

The superannuation guarantee charge (SGC) rate will be increasing to 11% from 1 July 2023.  It will then continue to increase by 0.5% until July 2025 when it reaches 12%.  

Practical steps to consider for your business in the lead up to this change are:

1. Check whether your employee contracts are inclusive of superannuation or whether super is paid on top.

2. Where your employee contracts are inclusive of super, the extra 0.5% will be paid into superannuation which will decrease the net take home pay to the employee by the same amount.  This will not impact the overall payroll payment payable by your company for the year.

3. Where your employee contracts are exclusive of super, your employees will receive 0.5% more superannuation in their fund and their take home pay will remain unchanged.  This will increase the company’s payroll liabilities to fund the additional 0.5% super increase.

4. You need to discuss the super rate increase with your employees now so they understand the impact the increase will have on their personal payroll situation from 1 July 2023 .

5. Employers should be aware that late payment of super can incur large penalties – so plan now for the cashflow impact of higher payroll expenses from July. 

6. To obtain a tax deduction for FY2023 funds must have reached superannuation funds by the 30 June 2023.  Xero software requires superannuation payments made via their clearing house to be made by 2:00pm on 14 June to enable Xero to guarantee the funds will be received by the deadline date. 

If you are unsure how this change will affect your payroll costs and employee contractual arrangements, please contact us today so we can assist you to plan and prepare for these increases. 

Our CEO’s Top 5 Tips to Get EOFY Ready

The end of the financial year is just around the corner and in our latest video CEO Trish Catlin shares her top five essential tips to make sure your business is EOFY ready.  From analysing business performance to meeting with your tax agent, she offers comprehensive guidance to maximise your financial success.  

Watch the video here to optimise your strategies for the upcoming year.

If you need assistance getting EOFY ready, get in contact with our team on 1300 472 412.

Fun Facts


There are some pretty cool and interesting facts about tax?

Here are 6 surprising tax facts that you may not have known about!

CFO Anne-Maree’s Budgeting Tips

In this short video CFO Anne-Maree, shares her valuable insights and expertise on budgeting and the importance of regular reviews.  

A well-prepared budget is crucial because it serves as a road map for your business, allowing you to assess performance, identify gaps, and make informed decisions. 

Watch the video and learn how to start working on your budgets effectively. 

Need assistance along the way? Our team of experienced  

CFOs are always here to support you in achieving your business goals.

Meet Alex Georgiou – Square Penny Business Development Manager

Alex has only been with us a few months but he is already making a big impact at Square Penny.  He works closely with SMEs across various industries and business stages and takes the time to understand each client’s unique needs and what makes their business tick.    

What Alex loves most about his role is the opportunity to help clients with their financial pain points. He’s passionate in helping businesses overcome their common financial challenges like end-of-month reporting, financial packages, and cash flow forecasting. 

Watch the full video to learn more about Alex and how Square Penny can help your business succeed.

Work from Home Deduction

Work from Home Deduction

The Australian government has recently scrapped the shortcut method for claiming work-from-home deductions.

This method, which was introduced in the 2020-2021 financial year, allowed employees to claim a flat rate of 80 cents per hour for expenses incurred while working from home due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Business Outsourcing: What’s best for YOUR business?

Business Outsourcing: What’s best for YOUR business?

If the last few years have taught us anything, it’s that ‘normal’ for business has been completely reimagined. We’ve established in these last three years of discomfort and uncertainty that there are better ways to get things done – from flexible working arrangements to standard recruitment practices.

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Best Business Software: Make 2023 your business’ most productive year yet!

Best Business Software: Make 2023 your business’ most productive year yet!

So another year has come to pass, and more likely than not, you’re picking up exactly where you left off in 2022. Hopefully you’re feeling more rested for a bit of time to yourselves over the festive period. But now comes reality: back to the grindstone. But what if it didn’t have to be a grind? Here at Square Penny, we pride ourselves on identifying the best business software options to make doing what you do best a breeze. Throughout this blog, we’re going to help you get the most out of every workday for yourself and your employees by leveraging our extensive knowledge of the best productivity tools around. We’re going to problem solve as we go, so each set of tools will be based around a challenge that you may be facing in your own workplace right now. Ready to dive in? Let’s go…

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Business planning 101: Your top 5 quick wins before 2022 winds up

Business planning 101: Your top 5 quick wins before 2022 winds up

If you’ve had a year anything like ours, it’s likely the end of the year came more quickly than you were anticipating. Again. With business shutdowns and festivities approaching, many of our clients are spending the next few weeks getting their business ducks in a row before winding down for some hard-earned relaxation time with friends and family over the festive break. How great it is to know that when they switch their computers on for the first time in 2023, they’ll have already taken care of the bulk of their business planning well in advance, and can hit the ground running. Here’s what we recommend you take care of now for a successful start to 2023 for your business:

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Revenue leakage: What you need to know in order to grow

Revenue leakage: What you need to know in order to grow

It sounds like something you may need a doctor or plumber to remedy, but this time it’s your friendly financial service provider. If you’re experiencing a slowing of growth in your business, or simply difficulties with cashflow, the likely culprit is revenue leakage. But what is it, and more importantly, how can it be stopped? Read on to discover the fundamentals of revenue leakage, and what you can do to ensure you’re always on top of your business finances no matter what the week throws at you…

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