Simple, tried and tested, integrated systems and processes.
October 2021 Newsletter.
At Square Penny we provide simple, tried and tested, integrated systems and processes to help your business maximise your profit.
How to make Time Off in Lieu work for you ( TOIL)
Under Australia’s Federal Award, provisions for time off in lieu arrangements is linked to worked overtime hours. Overtime has to be approved in advance and award requirements also provide that TOIL arrangements are to be agreed in writing. Consult your relevant award to see what provisions apply.

Expansion of the SME Recovery Loan Scheme.
In recognition of the continued economic impacts of the Coronavirus Pandemic, the Government announced that the SME Recovery Loan Scheme would be expanded to provide support to SMEs adversely economically affected by the Coronavirus Pandemic. The Amended Scheme Rules came into effect on 1st October 2021.
Learn more.

What you need to know as a casual employee.
From 27 March 2021, changes to workplace laws relating to casual employees means you are a casual employee based on certain criteria. As a casual employee, you have the right to become a permanent (full-time or part-time) employee in some circumstances. This is known as the ‘casual conversion’

Small business digital adaptation program.
The Small Business Digital Adaptation Program provides $1200 rebates so small businesses can access a range of digital business tools. The Victorian Government has partnered with 14 suppliers to help improve things like cash flow, website updates, online marketing, and managing jobs and projects.
Michelle Menelaws, our CFO enjoys going out to Clients’ businesses to help them improve their internal systems and processes.
At Square Penny, we create solutions for our clients problems by understanding what it is they need and putting the right team in place to see it through. We work as if we’re your in-house financial team – We take care of transactions, processes and analysis, without needing to take up another desk in your office. To learn more about how we can help you and your business grow, feel free to get in contact with us, on 1300 472 412 and one of our team members will direct you to the right department.