How to play to your strengths and make this work in business.
November 2021 Newsletter.
New mandatory Director Identification Number (DIN/director ID)
The Australian Government has announced the introduction of a new mandatory Director Identification Number (DIN/Director ID) as part of Modernising Business Registry (MBR) Program. The roll-out will start from November 2021. This will provide accountability and traceability of a director’s relationships over time.
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Essential Cloud Apps Report for Australian Accounting Firms in 2021
This report helps provide a definitive answer to which apps are most popular among Australian accounting and bookkeeping firms. There’s a shortlist of cloud-based software for you to test within your firm. Practice Protect will release this data-driven analysis every year to help business owners make their purchasing decisions.
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4 Important tips for building your super when you’re self-employed.
Reading this guide will only take a few minutes, but could have a huge impact on your life. When you’re self-employed and making personal contributions, it’s important to note that if you want the earnings you contribute to super to be taxed at 15% instead of your marginal tax rate, you have to claim your contribution as a tax deduction

Working from home temporary shortcut method has been extended
Due to the continued extenuating circumstances of COVID-19 and lockdowns since 1 July, the 80 cents per hour temporary shortcut method to calculate working from home deductions has been extended to 30 June 2022. The existing fixed rate method (52 cents per hour) and the actual cost method are still available options
Watch the video above where Damian discusses with Scott Nicolai from MLN Consulting on how to play to your strengths and how to make this work in business.
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