Getting to Know – CFO – Michelle Menelaws

What do you enjoy most about your role at SP?

Flexibility, variety or work and the people

You’ve been given the “day off “ – how would you like to spend the day when you

have nothing on your to do list?.  

Taking family walks or trips to the beach (including our fur baby) and having a  BBQ at home

with friends or family on a warm sunny day

If you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Massaman curry with coconut rice

Least favourite meal?

Eggs – yuk!

What are your currently reading now or what is your favourite book of all time?

Xero for Dummies (not really I am just not a reader these days)

Your favourite travel destination?

Palm Cove

Latest binge watch that had you glued to the couch?

Maid on Netflix

What is your hidden talent /party trick?


Aside from necessities, what is one thing you can’t live without?

My dog

Best and worst gift ever?

Surprise trip to Paris and worst was a juicer (life tip for men never buy your partner a kitchen or cleaning appliance as a gift!)

Your greatest pet peeve?

People who don’t return emails or calls – it is like playing tennis solo!

Best advice you have received?

Never go to bed angry



A video that talks about about our health in the current environment.

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